ღ Antivan Nosechain (TS4) ღ

a cute nosechain inspired off a Tumblr post I saw, enjoy!
note; you may need to move nostrils to fit the hoop of the chain onto nose.

Information // What Am I Getting?
Antivan Nosechain
15 variations
female & male (cause why not?)
categorized as earrings & takes up the earrings texture space
custom mesh & textures by me
polycount : 4.4k for high (LOD1) , 1.1k medium (LOD2), 365 for low (LOD3)

Feel free to tag me if you use this (not required). Also please let me know if something is wrong (other than what was stated). My terms of use is on my page. (but if you wanted a TL;DR its basically do whateva you want just ask me/credit me, I’m more than likely going to convert my things to Sims 4 myself though, anything else is alright (just check out T.o.U first) -- mesh edit, retexture idek just have fun & ask/credit pls~ I’d like to see what you do.)
DOWNLOAD : Sim File Share (no ads, full folder of all my Sims 4 & Sims 3 CC) ღ
Thank you to all the CC creators who created the other items used in the photos.
Enjoy ~ (& insert motivational quote here)